It is important to be aware that volunteers are not necessary for the functioning of the school,
which has been created and established locally, although they are greatly appreciated. If you want to contribute to the school and add your name to the list, find out how in our volunteering manual.
Manuela Gropp, Germany
Junior High School, Social Studies
Source: Private
Julia Westphal, Germany
Junior High School, History
Source: Private
Felix Süßer, Germany
Junior High School, Geography
Source: Private
Linda Gooding, USA
Senior High School, Mathematics
Source: Private
Sophie Renner, Germany
Junior High School, Social Studies
Source: Private
Frankie Searle, Canada
Junior High School, Mathematics
Source: Private
Stefanie Weiner, Germany
Primary School, English
Source: Private
Annika Mahlstein, Germany
Source: Private
We believe that having volunteers here from various places is a wonderful way to bring new ideas and perspectives
into the Anmchara school, share the wisdom and knowledge that is here with others throughout the world,
and build understanding and awareness of other cultures among the volunteers, students, teachers, and larger community.
In order to make the most of your stay, we encourage you to communicate with us about
your ideas, talents and passions and how they might best be put to use.